Tuesday, October 17, 2006

"Someday I'll...."

Denis Waitley taught us that "Someday I'll...." is really "Someday Isle,"
located in an ocean called NOWHERE!

"Someday I'll...." is a big fat lie; so let's fix that for you right here, without delay, ok? "At some point in life I will ________________________."

Whatever your circumstances then, you were 100% certain that by 20, 30, 40, 70 yrs old, take your pick -- you'd be _________________________________.

Go ahead; have a little fun; provide a quick pleasure.
Fill in the blanks! Yes, now.

Unless you're a vegetable, in which case you wouldn't be able to be reading these words, there are things you would still like to do, be, and have in this life. If I offer you ten thousand dollars cash for every item you can list, how many things can you list that you would still like to be able to do before you die?

Go ahead, give it a shot: ___________________________________




How about when you were 17? Unless you've dulled your mind with lack of effort, are you capable of recreating, in your mind's eye --- right now -- the beliefs you held when you were 15 - 20 yrs old about where you'd be at age thirty, forty, etc?

Can you do it right now, as you read this?

If you couldn't be bothered doing this, please go bang your head against the wall repeatedly.

Fill in the margins, too. Write down several things that you were sure of 5, or 10, or even 20 years back if you can remember that far with at least a little bit of clarity (If not, then you must be senile, so toss in your chips, and this page, too).
Now, please identify for me the precise day that you woke up and decided to live a day that was virtually identical to the day before. Get up, punch a clock, go to work, have a drink. go home,....

Was yesterday pretty much the same as the day before? What about today? Got anything special planned for this evening? Are you trying to tell me that you did at least ONE MEASLY THING towards achieving anything that you want? Yeah, right.

How many languages do you speak? When was the last time you looked at your mate & saw something to be grateful for? (and commented on). Do you have at least ten to twenty grand socked away? Ever wanted to learn how to play guitar or piano, but just "haven't had the time? To nail bullseyes w/ bow & arrow, or darts? If you haven't either told or shown your kids recently that you love them, you'll understand how much you'll have contributed to them becoming losers: people who stop trying for a happy & rewarding life at some weird, unexplained date in time... usually in their 20', or early 30's, when they really don't believe in themselves...deep down... and so they stop trying... y'know, kinda like.... you?

Short and sweet: whenever we want something, whether it's a date with that verrrry nice-looking person over there, to learning new material for work, school, or what-have you, we find more ways to do it, have it, get it,... and if we can't find ways to do it... we create them.

Now I realize, and do understand, that most of the people who read this... ESPECIALLY you college graduates... are waaaaaay too stupid to actually change. You're so educated that you think you know what to do. If so, you'd be doing it. I know, I know: you've all got excellent "reasons" for just why it is you're not at the point in life you believed you'd be just 5, 10, or perhaps 20 years ago.

I'm not saying you have to go out and be a Leonardo da Vinci, a George Washington Carver, a Thomas Edison, or a Thomas Jefferson, in terms of accomplishments in so many different disciplines, as each of these men did...but you can bet your bottom dollar that the single largest commonality observed in every single one of more than five thousand successful people was that each and every one of them failed... hundreds and thousands of times more than you and your whole family put together!! Because they TRIED more.

I'm not much on spectator sports, & I don't know if you are, but I'm asking you to consider the following:

1) The baseball player that even you remember as being the home run king still holds the record for being struck out more than any other baseball player in all this time. Babe Ruth struck out twice for every home run he ever hit: 1,334 strikeouts, and a mere 714 home runs. And the second-worst strikeout king? Hank Aaron. Then Mickey Mantle. That's right, the three biggest home run kings also struck out far more than any other players. Think it's coincidence?

2) What most people remember about Fran Tarkenton is that he successfully completed more passes than any other NFL quarterback in history. Do you think there's some connection w/ the fact that he also had more of his passes intercepted than any other NFL Quarterback?

-- Ricky Henderson stole more bases than any other man in baseball history.... and yes, he was tagged out more times than any other. Are you catching on yet?

Do you think it a coincidence that Wilma Rudolph, a childhood victim of polio, went on to become the fastest lady in American history who broke THREE world records when she won three gold medals in the Olympics...? (Decades later, Wilma's records stand unbroken).

-- The greatest hitter in baseball was a man named Ty Cobb. His lifetime baseball average, over a period of many years, was an astonishing .367! No one has come close in the past 30-40 years. Here we have Ty Cobb, a professional, the best who ever lived. The fact that he had the highest average in history does not, change the fact that as good as even Ty Cobb was, he failed two times out of every three tries!! You've done no less, today you can do more.

If I offer you ten thousand dollars cash for every item you can list, how many things can you list that you would still like to be able to do before you die?

___________________________________ ___________________________________

If you DID or indeed do have the brains to fill in those blanks, I have got some very exciting information for you:

Without exception, the human brain and system ALWAYS and without fail, moves towards its most dominant current thought.

If you understand that statement, and CREATE a new set of dominant thoughts, watch what happens.

If you can write down on paper precisely what you most want,
establish a date by which you intend to achieve it

list all of the obstacles you can expect to encounter

list the skills/info you'll need to develop OR sharpen

list the people/organizations/agencies that can help you achieve it


WHY you want it and then take daily steps toward it, you will find, within the next 25 days, that numerous areas of your life are improving at a l i t e r a l l y astonishing rate...

If you think I'm pulling your leg, don't take MY word for it: Shut up and DO IT !!!!
Results... measurable, impressive results... are unconditionally guaranteed to occur.

I made a decision {from the Latin root that means "to cut off" (from any other possibility)} to study all I could find on how to go from "Average" to "Winner," & how to defeat massive challenges.

Between SEPT/92 to Present day, I've read more than 2,000 books on various important subjects & was blessed by the many warriors and scholars who have paved the way ahead and who have shared the light before us to follow.

I've invested thousands of dollars, purchasing books, tape cassettes, cds, videos, dvds, & more.

I studied these subjects 10-16 hrs pr day. I sought commonalities, & began PUTTING THEM TO USE.

I studied some of the most advanced research in cybernetic functions of the human brain/body, peak performance by 5,000 of the most successful human beings of the past 300 years; & case histories of ,1500 "golden losers," people who had turned horrid challenges into successful lives. Many of them are people whose names you will recognize. Have I changed the world since then? Of course not; yet, when I wake up each day, I AM excited about today.

I've obtained a Business owner's mentality, I have four differnet businesses, two cars, a variety of advanced electronic "toys" thousands of books, cds, dvds, etc and still manage to carry a couple of thousand in pocket.

Best of all, I get to invest time and other resources into working with some s e r i o u s l y disadvantaged people, & what a payoff that is!

You'd be seriously mistaken if you think that these past few paragraphs are designed to impress you. Not by a long shot: I am hoping to impress UPON you a very basic set of axioms:

If you are willing to establish:

precisely what it is you want,

setting a deadline for its achievement

enumerating the expected obstacles

the people who can help you

the skills/info you'll need

a step-by-step plan of action, and a clear reason for doing it (WHY? Precisely how will I benefit?), you'll see that you have taken the beginning steps that have been consciously or not-so-consciously taken by each and every successful human being of those 5,000 I studied.

Please believe me: knowing this information is not enough.

Contrary to popular belief, knowledge is NOT power:it is only potential power. It becomes power only when we take ACTION upon that knowledge.

The Latins & Greeks knew what they were doing when they created our language. For example, look at the word SATISFACTION. "SATISFACTION" is a feeling, right? If you want satisfaction in life, we first have to look at the last six letters of the word satisfaction.Look carefully.

Now, look at the "fac" in the middle.It comes from the Latin root (facere) meaning "to create," as in "manufacture." Next, look at the first five letters of "satisfaction:" "Satis" (pronounced saTEESE) means "adequate" or "sufficient."

Put them all together, and you'll understand that when you create sufficient action, you get a feeling. That feeling is what we call "satisfaction."

At age 32, twice-bankrupted, undesirably discharged from the US Navy, and dead broke, Walter walked into a bank w/ a hand puppet named "Steamboat Willie," & in the falsetto voice of his puppet tried to get a loan to promote his puppet. Needless to say, they laughed him out of the bank. So did the next bank... and the next. Can you imagine the chutzpah of someone taking a hand puppet to TWENTY-FIVE different banks, trying to get a loan? Preposterous! Most of us would have given up after 5 or 6 or 7, or maybe even just one or two tries. Every one of the 25 banks turned him down.

Did he quit? Not a chance. You see, he understood that persistence overcomes just about every obstacle known to Mankind; or at least that there have been so few exceptions to this rule thus far, and Mankind has been around awhile, (at least 30 or more years that I know of).
That's why he went to 30 banks, & then 40.

A total of, are you ready for this?..... EIGHTY-FOUR BANKS TURNED HIM DOWN!

When he had nothing but himself & a dream to believe in, he was more successful than most of the financially wealthy people I know... because he never ever ever stopped trying.
Bank # 85 lent him $1500... and he changed Steamboat Willie's name, a name I'm sure you will recognize: Mickey Mouse. What a wonderful role model Walt Disney is for me.

Talk is cheap. Keep banging the clock, making it to Friday, so that you can waste away the weekend in order to bang again next week so that you can make it to the weekend, for the purpose of recharging your batteries & going out the following week to bang ou.... get the hint?

Losers list all of the reasons why it can't be done.... Winners list ways to get it done.
Losers fix the blame. Winners fix the problem.
Losers punch clocks endlessly... Winners USE their time for their own achievement.

People who do not have clear-cut goals for themselves INEVITABLY serve someone else who does.

Do you understand the truth of this? Are you smart enough to DO something w/ this info?

What's it gonna be?

Have you got a few minutes for yourself? Why not take a look at what's possible in YOUR life?

Once again, you are asked a few questions. Since repetition has proven to be the mother of all skill, (with a nod to Tony Robbins) maybe this will be the day that you go just one or two steps further than you did yesterday, because knowing the answers doesn't move you forwards one iota; rather, it keeps you in the same place, thinking the same things, doing things the same way... ... ... and getting the same results.

Do you have time for questions about the rest of YOUR life?

Do you understand that if you don't know precisely where you are going...
you'll probably end up somewhere else?

Now we realize, and do see that most of the people who read this... ESPECIALLY you college graduates... are waaaaaay too stupid to actually change. You've all got excellent "reasons" for just why it is you're not taking more steps TODAY towards making YOUR dreams come true.

We do know that up to seven of every one hundred people who read these words, REGARDLESS OF YOUR EDUCATION, or FINANCES, or FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES, etc... will be smart enough to put the tools of Success to work for them in the next 60 minutes.

The proof? One year from today you're invited to sit down and account for these next twelve months... in terms of what you (and I) have, or haven't done... toward the achievement of our long-term desires and goals. As for immediate proof, well, we'll have that in the next sixty minutes, won't we? You'll either treat the next hour of your life with excellence, or you won't. ... and there's our proof.

It's an open invitation... to those precious few who agree with Albert Einstein's assertion that genius is nothing more, or less, than the infinite ability to take infinite pains...
... an infinite number of times.

We already know the outcome in advance: up to seven of every hundred will stop yabbering and use more of the resources already at their disposal... including the valuable information provided by those who are already succeeding repeatedly at a world-class level.

That's what we call 'the horse's mouth.'

1) What do you most want?

2) Who can help you to get it?

3) Precisely when do you want it by?

4) What five smaller steps will make this happen?

Talk is cheap. Let's get busy.

SGT Goynes

Achievers and Role Models Shortcuts

There's just no good reason for you to wait any longer. Stop leaving it to others to pursue their dreams. Start identifying every human who could POSSIBLY help you to achieve whatever lights your fire.

Stop stalling and let's get busy. Instead of listing all the reasons why it can't be done, invest that identical brain and body energy into identifying solutions, figuring out ways to get around whatever obstacles you take the trouble to identify.

Stop waiting for it to happen to you for you and in spite of your best efforts to embrace mediocrity.


You're at the perfect age to drink in the wisdom of masters and millionaires, Achievers and Role Models, and you don't have to rely on "my" role models and champions, you've already identified several in your own life.

Write to them!!!! Celebrities who perform rarely ever respond to such requests, although some do. For the most part, they have too many unresolved issues. It's when you turn to business people at the top with strong reputations for integrity that you find millionaires and billionaires willing to give you their time and best thoughts when you have the courage to ask!!.

Publishers and top bankers, CEO's and renowned educators, writers and labor leaders: those who enjoy reputations of being both honest and supersuccessful will, MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, respond positively to a request such as the one I sent so many times.

"Dear __________________, When I get to the top of my own ladder, I hope my contribution to the world will be as valid and worthwhile as yours. Since it is clear that you are among the best on earth at what you do, I respectfully ask permission to take you to lunch or dinner so you can be my mentor for perhaps 30 minutes of articulate conversation. Acknowledging that you are probably busier than a bag of bees, that is the extent of my hopes and anticipations. If this should prove unacceptable to you, even five minutes on the phone interviewing you would be a huge boost in an education I am determined will be from the cream of the crop of my generation. Thanking you in advance, I appeal to the teacher that resides inside of most masters. Sincerely, _______________________________________

Do you REALLY think you won't get positive and encouraging responses? If so, I'm tempted to tell you you that you're out of your mind. Instead, I'll settle for stating clearly and with certainty that you have never used this huge, potent PowerBomb.

I sent a variety of letters very much like that one out to a vast assortment of those you see me quoting most often, masters and millionaires, Achievers and Role Models... and their response has been both magnaminous, and magnificent.
Stop leaving the action to many who simply do NOT seem to be as smart as you.

It really is your turn now, this month, this week, this very day, and I'm suggesting you go get it from the horse's mouth.

If you are not an acknowledged master or millionaire in your field, you really do not possess a valid opinion on how to do it successfully.

There are people who pursue their highest calling with passion, and there are people who do not. We already KNOW what you are.... because of whatever you've done on a day to day basis for years now. It is the final dividing line, the shortcut to understanding the most critical, instantaneous forward motion toward supersuccess: those who know what to do, and those who shut up and do it.

Just like the thousands of Winners I've interviewed, and thousands more I've studied, your life is perfect proof of virtually every word you're reading. Stupid people are those who know exactly what to do; smart people are those who shut up and do it. Most people get only one life to live. Is it fair for us to say that you personally will probably only live one life? Have you estimated how many Augusts and Septembers you have left? If you only have one of something, don't you want to treat it differently than you do something you have many of? Do you understand (which means, do you ACT as if you understand) that life, like a piece of bread or lightbulb, is made up of smaller components that are combined? With bread, it's the smaller components of flour, water, and heat.

With the light bulb, it's a piece of wire, a couple of supports, a wire band, glass.

With life, the smaller components are what we call seconds, which rapidly become minutes and years.

Just as we can take the light bulb, and add it to other items to be part of a truck, the individual seconds of your life, and mine, and everyone who lives and breathes, those seconds become hours, days, weeks, months, and years. Add up all the items, and the total is called "My Life." Because we add different amounts of different ingredients, the final product is also different.

Since you or somebody else paid for this presentation, it makes sense to use it. In the next five minutes, let's draft out a proposed plan for your life. Yes, you. Five minutes. Write in the margins if you have to. PUT IT ON PAPER. It is one of the most compelling of all the shortcuts of power: it must be written. Never mind what's in your head. Does no good until it's outside of your head, under your control. For your sake. Scribble ideas and wishes in the margins. USE IT!!

Everything important you ever do in your life you plan, from weddings and holidays to interstate travel.

In minutes, we begin drafting a plan for the most important journey of all: YOUR LIFE.

Stop and think about it: ever been to a wedding? I would suppose that no less than 95% of all weddings go off wonderfully. Every wonder why? Think there might be a connection to the fact that the wedding or other affair was so carefully planned? Even the color and folding of the napkins or type of lettering on the invitations to the honeymoon suite reservations, et alia: the event is planned, on paper.

It's broken down to smaller steps, correct?

Would you even dream of trying to make a three-day deadline to travel 1500 miles without a definite, clear, written plan, sometimes referred to as 'a map;' sometimes referred to as 'Give me the directions?" Of course not. You make the deadline specifically because you knew precisely where you were going, you found out which road to take, and then you persisted, even when you got lost, ran out of gas, or suffered other obstacles.

When you come to a red light, you stop your car (hopefully). At that moment, your forward momentum has stopped. In fact, your trip has come, literally, to a halt. Do you end the trip? Do you turn around and go home? Well, before you sneer, stop and consider how many times in your life you may have taken a first step, even a second, third, or ninth step towards doing or acquiring something, and suddenly your trip came to a halt. Proving once again that ninety-three percent of us are too stupid to act upon the knowledge that 100% of us possess, you quit. Because you quit, you failed, not the other way around. In any and every worthwhile thing you personally have ever accomplished, and repeated at will, it is exclusively because you knew precisely what you wanted, you knew what you had to do to get there, and you did it as many times as it took to get it done. Now, we get to use your skills for higher achievements, with results appearing as soon as the next hour or less... of YOUR life.

Just get the recipe correct. Like a corrected map or blueprint of your home, we work backwards, live forwards. You would not bake a cake without a specific, QUANTIFIED recipe. You would not dream of driving to another city without a map. You would not consider building a house without a blueprint. How could you possibly think of treating your life as something not worthy of building, rather than just taking as it comes?

What do these things have in common? They are written, and they are capable of being measured by QUANTIFIABLE smaller steps. Period. 45,000 pages of research are crunched into 2100 pages. Quantifiable. Enough material for ten books. When you ask better questions, you persistently get better answers, whether you're asking the question of yourself, or someone else. It works. Use it.

Precisely (meaning precisely) what do I want?

By what date?

What five smaller pieces can I break this into?

Who can I ask for help?

What first measurable step can I take in the next five days?

Put your answers IN WRITING , and you now see the map to your own highly-accelerated success in any and every human endeavor. PLUS, it provides the brain with a magic, nearly-undefinable measure of fuel to take action on these answers. When we map things out, they become simpler, easier to understand, easier to believe in, and the results follow as an uncomplicated - or 'de-complicated'- chain of graspable steps, each following as naturally as breathing or tying your shoes.

There isn't even any need for you to necessarily believe or not believe in this life-changing, truly magical shortcut, because you can and certainly will prove them right or wrong... ... AFTER you've put them to the test.

We absolutely and unconditionally guarantee that when you ask a hundred millionaires, one at a time, how they got to be a millionaire, the majority of them will tell you that they had, and/or still have, a written plan.

We asked several thousands of millionaires that question, one at a time, and more than ninety percent of them included "WRITTEN PLAN" as one of their answers.

If you really do know better than thousands of millionaires how to go about becoming a millionaire, feel free to tell us -- oops, feel free to SHOW US -- that you know better. If not, we suggest you grab a pen and paper, now, this minute, and begin that magnificent journey to a phenomenally happier life... starting today.

SGT Goynes

Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts

Should you truly need or desire to become a master or millionaire, a champion or billionaire, remember why you have two ears & one mouth. It's reasonable to think they were designed to be used twice as much.

Doesn't it follow that your two eyes are meant to be used twice as much as the one mouth?

Do you understand that hundreds of thousands of living masters and millions of millionaires must know more than you?

As hard as it may be to visualize tens of thousands of masters at their craft, let alone millions - - - that's right MILLIONS - - - of individual millionaires, the fact remains that they can personally attest to the best news for you this year with regard to your own possibilibities and likelihoods.
Who among us can even imagine such numbers? More to the point, do you believe that millions of successful individuals are wrong?

Do they know less than you do, or more than you do?

Are you demonstrating greater wisdom in how you're living your life?

I hope we can agree on the powerful truth that "If you knew this better, you would DO this better."

Of the thirty-two questions that were asked of 5,200 individualmasters, millionaires, champions, billionaires, only three answers came close to being perfectly uniform in the course of these interviews. Without a doubt, this page contains five separate seeds all relating to one of the greatest INSTANTLY EFFECTIVE powers at your disposal. Knowing it is virtually useless until it's actually used by you personally to reap the rich, rewarding benefits.

Answer these questions in detail within 72 hours of now... IN WRITING... and you are unconditionally guaranteed to reap enormous impact on your life in days or, if you're the dummy of the family, as much as a couple of weeks. With such positive results being guaranteed, half your battle (worrying about whether something will work for you), is unecessary. President, janitor, first-year student or manager; housewife or household word: this program works for every human being who uses it.

HUGE results at a highly accelerated pace. Absolutely guaranteed.

Because they are the shortcuts and techniques of our universal role models, literally thousands and thousands of masters, and most of our seven million millionaires, the PowerBombs in these pages comprise the most guaranteed system of success on earth. They are from what your Grandpa might call the horse's mouth. You can tolerate a quote from a beloved grandfather, can't you?..."If you're not getting it from the horse's mouth, maybe you're spending too much time at the wrong end of the horse."

Remember, these techniques and shortcuts are so powerful, so very fast-acting, that the people who use these 'magic tricks' cannot possibly fail; they can only stop their forward motion by not acting upon them. You don't quit because you failed. Without exception, you fail because you quit. Having shortcuts at your disposal are useful only insofar as you remember that the word 'useful' means 'full of use."

With persistence, these shortcuts produce astonishing results, quickly. We've produced an average of more than 10,000 new millionaires per week in America for 7 years. Isn't it your turn?

Look at every single supersuccessful person in history. EVERY SINGLE ONE! They themselves are telling us how they do it! What better possible source is there for you, for me, for any human who's not getting all of the results we might want? If at this moment you are not at the highest point of your life that you ever dreamed you'd be, or enroute, be quiet. You can get it from the horse's mouth, or be accused of spending too much time at the wrong end of the horse. Get ready for quick results.

Although America currently boasts somewhere in the neighborhood of seven MILLION individual millionaires, more significant is the fact that approximately six million of these people aren't merely worth a million, they report annual incomes in excess of a million dollars. I have trouble visualizing six hundred thousand millionaires in one country; how can there be yet another ten GROUPS of six hundred thousand people who are currently earning a million or more dollars per year?

When we're reminded that money is, at best, second or third on the list of measurements for success, think of all the other joys available in life. You already believe that earning a million per year is much harder than, say, learning a new language, or getting along better with certain family members, or harder than getting some passion back into your marriage or significant relationship. If many hundreds of thousands of living Americans can learn to earn a million or more per year WITHOUT A DIPLOMA, then how many "easier" tasks are there that you can master? Of what use is it to you personally to know that more efficient use of resources you already possess will bring fast, powerful benefits...if you don't DO it? What is YOUR reputation?

Right now, hush up, and answer: What was the last thing you did to earn the respect of your peers? _________________________ This is what your reputation is is based upon, as in "Yeah, but what did you do for me lately?" That's what you're known for, and as long as today's actions are identical to yesterday's actions, you would be wise not to bet on any increased or accelerated results tomorrow.

Less than ten minutes from now, I propose that we ensure that we have the basic shape of the blueprint that will bring you from where you are right now, to a better place in this life, whether you're 17 or 87. Remember Anna Mary Robertson? At 76, with arthritis so severe she couldn't dress alone, six doctors told her it was hopeless. The seventh doctor suggested she pick up a pen or pencil each day to draw, perhaps a paintbrush. Laughingly, she said she'd never picked up a paintbrush in her life. He asked her what she had to lose.
Between the ages of 76 and 94, Anna Mary Robertson, better known as Grandma Moses, painted more than 600 masterpieces, and later, nearly 400 more. She even illustrated "The Night Before Christmas" when she was 100. She found a better place in life. You will too, in the next few days, by simply closing your mouth, opening your ears, and following the shortcuts.

Just do it with me, for ten simple minutes, no matter WHO you are, or what you do.

We're bringing these incredible supershortcuts to you from the mouths, the words, and deeds of thousands upon thousands of extraordinarily accomplished humans, using a broad, universally agreeable definition of success: Measureable results. Every human task fits this. We can modify this definition, never eliminate it. We can agree that one definition of success is: The day-to-day progress towards mutual benefit. Whatever YOUR definition of success is, there's a way to measure it in your field of interest, correct?

We'll identify precisely where you are on the map, and where you are determined to be in 100 days, and 1000 days. I'm proceeding on the assumption that you can identify at least one thing, if not more, that you need to be world-class at before you die.

Without a doubt, the single most important thing you can do in the next sixty seconds is to state out loud, your determination that you can, and will, be world-class at ___________________________________.

Every human who has ever accomplished a world-class feat did so NOT BY ACCIDENT. When we duplicate an action enough times we duplicate the results of that action.

Every page in this presentation contains powerful, immediately useful items. Every page or two, jot down those that seem tailor-made for you to gain benefit.

Please remember that the entire point of this entire program: is for you to use shortcuts that produce results within a day or so.

Please don't complicate things.

Keep it simple.

Every shortcut you take brings you one step closer.

Write in the margins, write on the lines, write on the covers, just please don't be a moron and stop writing. The more you write, the more you make. The more you write, the more you make. The more you write, the more you make.

Even if you only use a fraction of what's in here, there are dozens of shortcuts that are as good as tailor-made, just for you, in "YOUR" particular career field, whether you're a household word, or housewife, a Harrier jet pilot or a hooker, a typist or a tyrant: this is the best day to create a useful map, recipe, blueprint, because even more convincing than my own use, or my students' successful use of these high-powered shortcuts: Name 1,000 role models of this generation.

EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM uses most or all of these PowerBombs... Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires, Achievers and Role Models.

SGT Goynes

Saturday, October 14, 2006


Desire is the seed of all power

Desire is the seat of all power

Focus on that for 100 consecutive seconds and you'll experience what Oprah Winfrey called an "A-HAH!" moment of breakthrough. This invariably leads to an instantaneous boost in your results. OBSERVABLE results, provided you give it a full 100 seconds. It's vital to go beyond the first, and surface meaning of such powerful, useful wisdom, because there's more there than you are now seeing. Pull back another layer and say, "YESSSSS!!">

Precisely 100% of you are smart enough to understand those 14 words.
Roughly 93% of you are too profoundly stupid to act upon them immediately.

About 7% of you are actually curious enough to just shut up & focus upon the statement with laser focus for 100 consecutive seconds.. and THEN continue reading.

This is how 135 Olympic Champions won their gold.
It's how 121 of America's 173 billionaires got that way.

In each case they develop an understanding of this, and then visualize their desired goal.

I congratulate those of you in the 7%...
You're embarking on, by far, the most magnificent journey of your life.

The coming days will bring you more magic than you've had
all your life up until this very minute.

Five million people right here in America use these shortcuts for FANTASTIC results. I landed a job at Who's Who Worldwide Registry, interviewing America's corporate and institutional elite: Chairmen, Presidents, CEO's, think tank wizards, and many other phenomenal people who gave me shortcuts that have produced results beyond all but my wildest childhood dreams These results are unconditionally guaranteed to every human being on earth who uses these shortcuts. We want YOU to do it, too; and if you're already a Winner, or even halfway there, this will serve to help you help yourself. Understand that THIS is the single most powerful day of your life.

About 4,100 of the thousands of corporate and institutional leaders I interviewed are self-made millionaires. Before thinking that's a big number, please note that, here in America, we produced from 1993 to 1998 an average of 899 and one-half NEW millionaires EVERY SINGLE DAY.

6,300 new millionaires pr week,
25,200 new millionaires per month,
328,571 new millionaires PER YEAR,


According to the IRS, as of December, 1998, we had 5.8 MILLION millionaires in America; 4,100,00 of whom REPORTED A 1997 INCOME OF A MILLION OR MORE DOLLARS!!

If this is not enough to compel your attention, or the fact that, in 1999 alone, America produced over one million new millionaires, and another million millionaires in 2000, perhaps you'll benefit from understanding that money is not THE measure of success. It's one of several that we humans use. Excellence does not follow money. Money follows excellence.Get excellent at something and people will pay you for it! Millions, not just tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, MILLIONS of Americans becoming millionaires can tell you how they do it; many of them are happy to share it, since it does not undermine or compete with them. I've asked more than four thousand millionaires how they got there. For me, this is the horse's mouth, hm?

About 23% do it through the stock market, nearly 69% do it through some home-based effort of 4 to 70 hours pr week, depending on how fast they want or need it.

Today's a good day for you to consider that, if you knew better,
you'd be 'there' at this very moment, wouldn't you?

If you really knew better, you'd be living your best dreams today, yes or no?

Let's make your dreams happen... faster than ANYONE thought possible.

It's YOUR turn, here & now.

The Power Gems in this book are repeatedly proven by many thousands of millionaires and billionaires. Yes, many thousands of millionaires and billionaires. No human being can disprove the following, simple statement:

Use any one or two of the shortcuts in this website, every single day for 15 straight days and you'll benefit permanently.

Like most of the great shortcuts, it's just that simple.

Since you've got a gift horse staring you in the face, you can ignore it and get zero benefit, or you can choose to ask yourself if you're getting it from the horse's mouth, or spending too much time at the wrong end of the horse?

If you're not, at this minute, well-known for excellence in something, then whatever you know and whatever you do is urgently in need of immediate attention. If you're NOT at the top of your own personal hill,shut up and listen.

People keep telling me how much they know about what they need to do. So why do only 7% live it? Close your mouth, open your ears; within a week or so, you will be way ahead of where you are now. WAY ahead.

These are the Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires. Getting it here from the horse's mouth... thousands and thousands of times over, do you understand?
THOUSANDS of extraordinarily successful people.

Aprox 99.5% of us thoroughly understand these Super Shortcuts.

Approx 93% of us have simply forgotten to use them more.

This is your blueprint for the dreams and fantasies that you may still have inside of you. This is your opportunity to obtain the single largest boost of your life...
now, and forever.

If you've given away two retirement incomes, read more than 17,000 books, broken and shattered over a hundred productivity records, composed songs for guitar and piano, painted joyously happy creations AND personally interviewed/broke bread with nearly four thousand self-made millionaires, then you do indeed have a licit opinion on these subjects.

If you do NOT meet the foregoing criteria, you can only have a licit opinion after you use one, two, even three or more shortcuts in this book... 14 minutes per day for ten days.

If you do not get noticeable results within days, then we'll believe that you are stupid and/or hopeless. These shortcuts are pieces of cake, and work like magic in days or less!!

Best of all, you now have them in your hands, to waste, or to grow, as you see fit.

What you say about them means nothing; what you DO about them means everything.

An average of 6,300 ADDITIONAL millionaires every single week in the U.S.(between 1992 and 1998) is nothing to sneeze at. If you wish to increase the results you're getting in any single field, the one and only requirement for making it happen is desire. It is the seed and seat of all known human powers and magical shortcuts.

Therefore, there is one catch to this collection of SuperShortcuts:

They work every time.... ONLY on those things we desire.

So, we begin with a better question:

"What would please you more than anything else?"

It's the center of everything we ever do with success: the pleasure

Without any doubt, creating a happy mental video in this next minute before reading another paragraph will instantly boost your immune system... ... and the more pleasure you will feel in being alive... ... and the closer you will get to having that happy scene occur at least one more time in your life. Please, shut up shut up shut up!! Close your eyes now and create a video of you in the happiest place on earth... YOUR happiest place. In these next five minutes.

If you did it, you're already feeling better, a bit enchanted, right?

The only rule to this book is that you MUST close your mouth & open your ears, because this is coming from the mouth of the horses themselves; THOUSANDS of them interviewed one at a time.

Suspend your disbelief for a few minutes per day, and you'll get measurable results.... within a week or so. With just a few minutes that belong exclusively to the realm of you and I together, you're promised and absolutely guaranteed to get better results. Even if you're still having a hard time believing that everything in your life is going to be radically better in a matter of days and weeks, one thing is unarguable and certain: you will boost your results faster than you are doing now.

How can I be so certain? Well, there's a ninety-nine percent probability that you agree with the value of mental visualization and can even explain to a child why it's good for long-term development as an achiever, and a 93% probability that you didn't truly suspend your own disbelief and really get into that short, happy mental movie, right? How is it that you'll encourage a child to engage in a technique that you KNOW will work for the child, yet you're 'too old' or 'too smart' or too anything to use it yourself?

Each exercise and PowerBomb has been used countless millions of times by so many people that even you have probably admired. They work.

If 'your way' was better, you'd be living that happy life now, wouldn't you? If you're not reading this as a publisher, you're reading it because you're still flexible enough to admit I'm asking you to simply suspend your preconceived notions of what works and what doesn't work. We're talking about sixty seconds. SIXTY seconds, for Pete's sake!! The pressures of the world can't wait sixty seconds for you to get into a better frame of mind? Please, give us a break. Hush up and get into the swing here.

It absolutely begins with an image in your mind, just like the one Edison had in his mind when the NY Times headlines laughed at his idea of an electric light bulb... and just like the idea Jimmy Carter had of building houses for homeless people through a program called Habitat for Humanity; just like the movies that Walt Disney played in his mind over and over as an astonishing eighty-four different banks rejected his concept of Mickey Mouse. Eighty-four rejections!! All three of these people, and countless others as well, have succeeded far beyond what you have, NOT because they're smarter, or taller, better-looking or more talented, not by a long shot!! No, it's their willingness to create that internal visualization, and then follow through with better questions and written plans.

Begin with the mental movie now and stay there for no less than sixty seconds. Desire is the fuel of every goal and achievement ever attained by a man or woman. It's been that way for many centuries; it's not likely to change now.

USE YOUR DESIRE intentionally... the more you focus on your desire, and specifically why you want it -- what you will specifically get from attaining that desire -- the more your brain produces methods to get there. It is vital for you to understand that this is not merely rah-rah motivation mumbo -- it's brain science:


USE THIS TO YOUR PERSONAL ADVANTAGE!! Since it can only move towards its most dominant thought of this instant, doesn't it make sense for YOUR brain, YOUR focus, YOUR efforts to be under the exclusive control of YOU? Forget about all that external garbage. Stop allowing spouses/parents/friends/relatives/co-workers/the economy/the weather/the.... to guide you in your daily activities! Take control!! This is your life, friend, and if you don't work at making YOUR dreams come true, then we, the world, can see that you'll spend your remaining good years working at the goals of someone who HAS taken control of their destination, sometimes referred to as "destiny." Go ahead: punch that man's clock! Gather that man's cotton! Sell that man's overpriced clothing! And you'd better take his guff, too, because HE's putting food on the table with pursuit of a dream, a goal.

Or, take control. It's YOUR turn!! That doesn't mean quitting your job this instant; it means MAKING two, three, even four hours per week to pursue YOUR passion, YOUR interests, YOUR family, friends, and other life quality things.

Get that movie going!! See the lights, smell the smells, literally instruct your internal viewer to zoom in closer, so you can feel, hear, smell, see, and touch the details of you personally achieving that one desire that you and I both know is still there inside of you.

It cost you no money, just a minute and a half of your time, and it is guaranteed to improve the quality of this day today, provided you do nothing more than create a happy movie in your mind, right now, for just sixty seconds or so. Then you'll be better prepared to return to the magic of PowerBombs... from our masters, millionaires, and billionaires. Enjoy the movie!

Plant YOUR seeds of power! Water and nurture them with daily visualization, mental movies. DO, DON'T TRY, DO IT NOW!

SGT Goynes


What does it take for you to realize that you're considerably more successful than you've given yourself credit for? Today is a special day for you; it certainly ought to be, considering it will never again occur in YOUR life.

That alone should suffice to jab you, to arouse you, to arouse the giant inside of you that O.S. Marden wrote so eloquently about. Answer honestly here and I'll help you to change your life today. TODAY.

How many times have you "failed?"

Like everyone else, you strike out at least twice for every success.
Did you ever consider this?

Do you remember the 3,000 tries it took to learn to tie your shoelaces?
Even when you DID tie them that first time, you knotted them a few times, didn't you?

You fell down the first time you tried to walk...
in fact, you "failed" hundreds and hundreds of times at this one task...
yet you never gave up trying, did you?

You continued until you suceeded.

Did you ride your bicycle down the driveway first time out?

Did you jump into the water and swim the first time you went in?

Did you hit the ball the first time you swung a bat?

Without any known exceptions, those who hit the most home runs also strike out more often. Babe Ruth struck out not merely 330 times (as if that wouldn't be enough?), rather,
twice as many times as he hit home runs!! The next two home run kings... Hank Aaron & Mickey Mantle...were also strikeout kings, who struck out far, far more than they hit home runs!
We hope you're not dumb enough to think this is a coincidence.

Anna Mary Robertson, at 76, was 'doomed' by 6 different doctors, told that her arthritis would leave her fingers forever bent & crippled, dependent on others to even dress her each day!! The 7th doctor suggested she draw with pencils, crayons, maybe a paint brush. She laughed, saying she'd never held a paint brush in her life. He told her not to mind that, just focus on working the kinks out of her fingers. That's how, between the ages of 76 and 94, Anna Mary Robertson painted an astonishing six hundred, yes, six HUNDRED masterpiece paintings ... using the name "Grandma Moses."

Was that enough? Not for Grandma: between 94 and 100, she created an ADDITIONAL 400 masterpieces, including the famous drawings for "The Night Before Christmas." !!

R.H. Macy failed seven times before Macy's became the biggest dep't store on earth.

You think YOU have it tough? Please.

English novelist John Creasey got an incredible 753 rejection slips... before he published,
get this...five hundred and sixty-four books!

Surely you're familiar with the popular "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books? Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hanson were rejected by THIRTY-THREE publishers, who said it would never sell... before Health Publications published the first of their TWENTY MILLION BOOKS!!

Ted Geisel had TWENTY-SEVEN publishers turn him down before the 28th publisher sold SIX MILLION copies of his first book. You and I know Ted Geisel... by his more famous name... Dr. Seuss!! Yes, the Cat in the Hat went flat... twenty-seven times!!!

When was the last time YOU tried something twenty-eight times?

Rudyard Kipling received piles of rejection slips, including one that informed him that he didn't know how to use the English Language! Like all winners, he had no interest in the opinions of naysayers, and just kept on keeping on.

Stop worrying about failure:
Worry about what you're missing when you try too few times.
Worry about what you're missing when you try too few times.

Worry about what you're missing when you try too few times.

Worry about what you're missing
when you try too few times.

Water is useful at 211 degrees fahrenheit.
Washing, drinking, bathing. Add one and only one degree of heat, and you can push a 30,000-ton ship through the world's oceans. How many times have you stopped trying ...
... not realizing that you were just one degree away from success?

How many times have you stopped trying ...
not realizing you were just one degree away from success?
Please... ... don't tell us.
Your actions speak so loudly you need not say a word.

There's a huge difference between a strikeout... and a failure.
A strikeout means,
"I struck out this time. Next time I will succeed."
A failure means
"I struck out this time. I will not try again"

If you know of any exceptions to this rule,
please bring it to our attention

Every intelligent person I've met can talk good game about how good they can be.

Enough already: don't tell us how good you can be, show us today; show us in the next 10 minutes.

Whatever you do in the next 10 minutes is exactly what we'll look back on a year from now.

We'll either remember these next 10 minutes being typical and half-assed, or we'll remember these next 10 - 100 minutes as being amazing minutes of striving for excellence.

A failing, broke appliance salesman, depressed at his inability to provide for his family, entered a theatre in New York on a whimsy to try out for a part in a play called "Mister Roberts." All these years later, we know that that young man, Paul Newman, has provided well for his family as an actor, AND GIVEN AWAY MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS to charity through the sale of "Newman's Own" sauces and other food products.

How do you want to be remembered: typical & average, or the kind of person who goes for the gold? As always, what you do in the next hour of your life will tell us clearly who you are. Go for it. Dare to be more, now!

SGT Goynes

You failed because you stopped.

You did not stop because you failed; You failed because you stopped.

If you try something 10 times, no matter what the probability of success is, that probability will actually quadruple when you try it 30 times!! Do not underestimate the power of this seemingly simplistic statement. It relates to the law of accumulation, and cannot fail. When the sculptor splits the stone after seven hundred strikes with the chisel, did you really think it was that seven hundredth attempt that did it? Not so. It was the accumulated energy of seven hundred separate attempts.

Whatever number of efforts you gave yesterday, Winning REQUIRES that you increase that number, and then increase it again. Whatever your average number of tries per week is, increase that number by just 10% per week for the next ten weeks, and you are guaranteed to double your results again and again and again. You can actually become a 'star' in the next 100 business days with the use of this one simple, powerful method. It is used consistently by the top producers in your industry.

Yes, become a star in days:
if you want it enough, you WILL go that extra step... ... 30x, 40x, 100x and more.

You will succeed no less than 80% of the time. Those probabilities good enough for you?

SGT Goynes

Popcorn Power

Karyn Johnson, aged 15, living in Harlem, being poor & ugly, was a fine example of 'loser.' With a baby daughter, no husband, she had to go on welfare, although she hated the idea. She and her child had to eat. This young teen mother, not even old enough to drive, became a drug addict. She did unspeakable things to get drugs, often with her daughter present. It got so bad that they both ate out of garbage cans.

Five long years of welfare. Finally put the kid into daycare, and got a job putting makeup on people in a local playhouse. Didn't take too long to lose the job.

Got another job putting makeup on people in a funeral home. Ghastly work, but she was hungry, and determined to make it on her own. Lost that job, too. Karyn talked to her 5-yr old daughter, and said, "Honey, let's start a fresh life, changing everything." She began simply enough: taking a step EVERY day.

They moved out of NY, and started again. Three years -- just about one thousand days -- later, after taking just about 1000 more steps than you, she repaid NY City's Welfare Dep't every penny she had accepted. Karyn Johnson had the same tool as you: a decision to ask better questions, and take at least one step every day. Period. She tapped into the amazing power of NOW. It's the reason why, after she became the highest-paid woman in Hollywood, you might have recognized the new name she adopted... Whoopi. She simply asked better questions, and produced better answers. What about you?

What will you do TODAY ?

We have blank lines here exclusively for your use.

Whoever you are, please humor me and fill them in.

I know that 90% of you will fill in the blanks later, right?
You lose, because we already know that you won't really do it later.

It's the reason your bank account is the size it is.

10% of you are smart enough to fill them in now. You can be certain that you will reap measurable benefits in the coming days and weeks

So, you want to have more _________________________

and learn how to get _________________________.

Until you actually pick up a pencil & jot some answers,
please don't read any further. Believe me, it would be a waste.

For those of you who wrote any detailed answers, or who do so in the next few seconds...... ...I can and will UNCONDITIONALLY guarantee that those who WRITE answers in the lines above by page's end will see marked, observable progress within days of today; you are proving that you are willing to take a step. Dozens of the greatest minds in history have observed that the smartest people are those who tap into the deep, unstoppable power found in the word "now;" not merely once, but many times many times over.

The power of "NOW" starts kicking in as soon as you want: 3 days, 20 seconds, or 10 minutes.

If you practiced something for 1000 minutes, would you be better at it than if you did not practice? Dumb question, right? If it's so dumb, what was the last thing important enough for you to practice at for 1000 minutes? If you can put down on paper just one thing you'd really really like, I will give you a magical secret that will bring you closer to your dream, in just days or minutes than you've ever been in your life all added up to this minute. No kidding. Here's the magical secret, and it is more powerful than you have ever understood up until this minute: First, write down one or two things that you really, REALLY want:



Now use the back of your paper to write down 5 to 10 ideas, crazy or not, for turning it into reality. Just 5 to 10 ideas.

Do this for 15 minutes per day for 20 days.

That's right, just a few minutes of your life each day for 20 days. Every single human being who does this radically and forever changes the way they think, because the results are so accelerated, so compelling, that you'll never forget what you accomplished during this 20-day period: it's called 'genius.'

Albert Einstein spoke about it extensively, that genius is nothing more than the "infinite ability to take an infinite number of pains." It genuinely matters not a whit if you use this genius inside of you for mental tasks, musical tasks, financial, spiritual, emotional, sexual, academic, or any other human effort you can think of: just do it. Do it and see for yourself. Please, please, do NOT venture your opinion to any of us; we're really not interested in your opinon until AFTER you've done it... ... at which time you can be sure we'll hear each word you offer.

Loooooong before you get to idea #300, you will see some amazing things going on in your mind, and your life. Hey, it's your choice. I'm only here to remind you of the incredible powers you developed as a child to learn how to tie your shoelace (I had a smart dog, a German Shepherd, yet I never once saw him chew gum, or heard him say, "Excuse me" when he burped). Your brain executes many thousands of decisions just in the course of tying your shoelace!!

WAKE UP! It took you a whole lot longer to learn how to speak English or to drive a car than it does to create a list of what you want to do in this next year, and how you can go about doing it!!

Creating sentences, & deciding what words come out of your mouth? Show me a computer that can create and state a given desire. As you read these words, you are right now capable of performing many thousands of tasks, from steering a bicycle, to talking your way into or out of something. Every computer chip on this planet all added up together is but a fraction of the 100 billion-plus neurons you've got; each capable of a million functions.

Your Reticular Activating System is nothing more than a fancy secretary. It filters roughly eight million bits of information per second, deciding what to send "Upstairs" to the conscious mind, and what to send "Downstairs" to the memory storage department. When you decide that you're hungry, the Reticular System searches your brain for all stored info: "Burger King? Chinese? Do I have $$? Do I have time? What do I feel like eating?" You suddenly remember a new pizza place a mile back. You saw it when you passed, the Reticular System decided it wasn't important enough to send "Upstairs," so it simply stored the information until you needed it again. It searches AND FINDS, the info we look for, and brings it "Upstairs" so we can make a conscious choice. With a phone to your ear, taking a drink, slipping off of your shoes: you're making thousands of tiny, yet super-sophisticated decisions. Find a cat, or a giraffe that can hop into the car & go buy some milk!

I promise you, no matter who you are, from U.S. President of to that guy in the group home: Ask a question with repetition, and belief that you'll produce the right answer, and you will always, and without fail produce many answers to that question. You are now in control of a huge power to tap into right now. True power. Power is the "ability to act ." You have the equipment for first-class thinking. What you know is generally distant from what you DO with what you know.

At all times, you are using billions of separate computers within your brain that know how to work together. Since you use such incomprehensibly sophisticated methods for understanding what a "$" sign means, automatically and with little "conscious" thought, don't you see the logic in tapping into those same powers, ON PURPOSE, for accomplishing things you haven't done yet but would like to? Reality is proof that The chances of it happening accidentally are not as good as when there is specific and direct effort toward achieving it. That's agreeable, isn't it? Tapping into the power of NOW is your first step. Even if it's just writing down precisely what you want and why you want it, it only takes minutes for things to happen. You think I'm kidding? Prove me wrong. Prove me right. With deeds, not words. Just stop talking and DO IT!


Just 5 - 10 ideas per day until you have 100 ideas.
100 ideas will be sufficient to make this the single most productive year of your life, guaranteed every single time.

This is one of the ten most powerful shortcuts ever developed in human history. It's better than a pile of cash, because aiming this shortcut at money-making will produce many piles of cash.

For example, let's say you want a date with the gorgeous creature next door.
Here are some ideas.

1. Write a love letter to the object of your dreams.

2. Sprinkle Hershey's kisses from your front door to the front door of... well, you get the idea.

It doesn't matter if the ideas are reasonable or not, easily available or not. The primary purpose of doing this is to exercise your problem-solving muscles. Just as squeezing a tennis ball one more time every day or so will add up to highly-developed squeezing ability, so too will this writing exercise, known as a popcorn session, produce measurably better ideas and solutions for you, quickly and effectively.

By the time you produce 100 ideas, the odds are that no less than seventy will be ultimately inappropriate, ten of the 100 distantly workable, another ten or fifteen possible, and just two or three that will be pure, complete genius, and I do mean genius. Whether you have a second-grade education or a couple of master's degrees, it is an unchanging fact of human life that taking the few minutes per day necessary to come up with 100 ideas within five days will always produce at least a few wonderful, life-changing solutions. Always.

Do it.
The most important part of this exercise is that you specifically include every idea you can produce, from those that are workable, to those that are seemingly impossible. No facet of this shortcut to getting much, MUCH better results is more important than the sheer number

Apply just this one power shortcut for 14.4 minutes pr day. Within 22 days you will have ample evidence that your income is increasing or about to. Within 100 days, you should see AT LEAST a doubling of your income.

It is hoped that you perceive the value of an unconditional guarantee that these shortcuts are universally applicable, from developing new skills for learning guitar, getting top grades with MUCH less effort, a new language, making more money, running five miles... or learning to tie your shoelaces, by far the most difficult thing you've ever done. Use your resources more through shortcuts like these, and then opine. What you know in your mind means far less to any of us than what you DO with what you know, hm?

We suggest you print this document for your own use, and those you may pass it on to.
SGT Goynes


What is a "Shorcut"? It's not misspelled.

words and methods sure to bring faster results

Another way to look at Shorcuts, Shortcuts, and PowerGems:
Words or actions that shorten the time it takes to get there

Any words/actions that consistently produce faster, better results

It shouldn't be too hard to agree that people with 10 or 20 years of excellence know about obstacles to avoid. Most people who claim twenty years' experience usually have more like four years of experience repeated five times over. We refer here to those individuals who demonstrate word-class results repeatedly. These are the truest experts. When world-class performers in a given field, such as ten Olympic champions, ten multimillionaires, ten great teachers, uniformly agree that something specific should be avoided, there's little chance they're wrong, provided they're not economists.

Similarly, when ten Olympic Champions, ten multi-millionaires, AND ten great teachers all issue similar statements of a deep and abiding belief that a big part of their success is because they wrote their dream on paper with a date, listing the obstacles and the people who can help get rid of the obstacles, free of any knowledge that the other twenty-nine have said the same thing, it sounds like a pattern, what we call A Guaranteed Shortcut. Never been known to fail.

When the number of masters and millionaires who offer this information climbs into the scores, the hundreds, and even the thousands, one by one, individually gleaned from interviews and/or breaking bread with these extraordinary role models of success -- we have Power Shortcuts also known as PowerBombs.

No matter who, what, or where you are in life,
Power Shortcuts are as close to being perfectly universal as anything on earth. They work.

Start now. Suspend your opinion and put this to use today:


This is one of the ten most powerful shortcuts a human being can ever hope to learn. 100% of us understand this, 93% are too profoundly stupid to tap into it, on purpose, in the next few minutes. Before 100 attempts are complete, you double the number of yesses you receive.

PowerBombs have a lovely habit of engaging in as little as a few minutes; some in mere seconds!! That's right: in seconds. Time for a better mind-set, hm? When I'm interested in a lady, I don't ask her if she wants to dine with or date me, or if she's busy this weekend. That's like deciding to walk a race because you figure you won't win it.

These are yes/no questions, which are to be avoided, do you understand? Don't ask if...
ask when, ask which, ask what color, what flavor... ... consistently offering alternative choices, rather than just 'yes' or 'no.'

Keep in mind that yes or no means, at best, a fifty percent chance of getting what you want.

Instantly increase your probabilities by offering two or more affirmative choices, choices that you decide upon, rather than allowing them to be decided for you.

I tell her I'd like to take her out for Chinese food on Friday night, unless she'd get a bigger thrill of seeing the exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum on Saturday.
"Oh, you're busy both days? Okay, Sunday afternoon they have a special Laserium show at the Hayden Planetarium. Does that sound exciting OR would a quiet dinner at Luigi's Monday night please you more?"

Offer choices! You'll see fast, pleasing results.

Try it now.
Quicker, better results.


If you're smart enough to be asking more questions, combine it with this Power Shortcut by asking more and better questions in the next few minutes.

Who can help you get there? Call them up in the next 5 minutes, and ask them if they'd like to help you by doing this, or would they feel more comfortable by doing that? This method is excellent. It's powerful, fast-acting, and will likely have a positive impact on the rest of your life as long as you use it. Ask. Ask. Ask.

Please don't nod your head, tucking this away for future use.

Please try to remember the reality that if you really knew better, you'd be doing better, wouldn't you? Use it immediately, watch what happens. ENORMOUS results; guaranteed. The same minute that you put your list of possible 'helpers' on paper, you begin thinking of additionalpeople to add to the list. By the time you get a hundred people on your list, you will find that at least a few of them are saying 'YES' to you, others are getting closer to saying yes. If this shorcut alone is not enough to stimulate you to acting on it, put your seat belt on, you're about to get smarter. What's especially exciting about this is that, hidden in the act of asking, right here you have another instantly life-changing benefit: every time you get a 'NO' from a particular person, you are now mathematically one time closer to having that person say yes.

The inventor who lost more money for more of his financial backers than any other inventor before or since?

That was the same guy who told a NY Times reporter at a news conference that he had not failed ten thousand times, rather, had learned ten thousand ways NOT to invent the electric light bulb, that he simply took ten thousand steps in order to announce at that news conference that he, Thomas Edison, had indeed invented a successful electric light bulb.

Now maybe you know more than Thomas Edison, or think you do. In point of fact, Edison also made more money for his backers than a thousand other inventors combined We have no doubt that you may well be a legend in your own mind. Simply examine the paper-thin difference between knowing it, and proving it. That single-ply tissue-thickness is a matter of a few minutes per day. As with most subjects, talk is cheap. What you do speaks so loudly we really can't hear a word you're saying.

The sole purpose of this document is to pound into your head that you have what amounts to a magic genie between your ears, that you can make huge leaps in a single day or two. Since learning this I've tripled my results in adozen of my favorite areas, with as little as fifteen minutes per day. Before you know it, the minutes of superfocus add up to hundreds, then thousands of those little 15-minute chunks. Wow. How would you like to read a book or two per day, every day? I've been doing it since my tenth birthday, which was a bit more than ten thousand days ago. For me, it's worth two hours and more per day. It has certainly helped in the pursuit of radio shows, guitar, piano, breaking a hundred sales records for a half-dozen large NY companies... ...and 12,000 hand-created, completely free web pages... just for you.

This is not rocket science, and, at the base of it all, it's not even necessary for us to understand all the why's and wherefores of a great shortcut... only that it gives a reasonably safe boost up the ladder. Like most people, I haven't gotten much smarter in this life; I've simply learned more high-powered shortcuts from my role models, reading about and interacting with them; then setting out to duplicate their precise words and efforts, just as Grandma does with a recipe. My role models are those who do things at world-class levels repeatedly. The most exciting, encouraging fact to emerge from so many years, so many thousands of days of studying and interacting with winners is that every single last one of them, every girl Jill and every man Jack, every single world-class leader has overcome obstacles much bigger than yours. The proof is that they moved past their obstacles while you're still making pipsqueak efforts with your enormous reservoir of resources.

The more times you ask the same person for something, the closer they get to saying what you want to hear more than anything else: "Yes."

When you ask ten people, twenty, and thirty, the absolute likelihood of you getting whatever it is that you want multiplies with the sweet taste of something called synergy, where one plus one equals more than two.

Synergy is when two equal items added together create something that's more than double, even though that does not make sense to a mathematician.

Some of our best shortcuts were always right in front of us
If you've ever tried to walk more steps along a railroad track than your brother or cousin on the other track, then you know that getting up to 20 and 30 steps along that narrow rail takes many, many tries.

As Zig Ziglar asked with humor and great force of personality, what do you think happens when two such people reach out and join hands? Aha!! The two of you can walk farther and faster without tripping or slipping off the rail, because of the magic of synergy, where one plus one equals more than two.

Can you handle another major secret, a superlative shortcut that will actually give you power over other people, and more so when you use it for mutual benefit? Get ready, this one's big.

Very few people can say 'No' after seven requests
It's that simple. Ask a human being for something specific -- seven or more times -- and their ability to say 'No' diminishes, even as their likelihood of saying 'Yes' increases -- with near-mathematical similarity. You might look up the word 'apposite' in the dictionary. It fits here.

Obviously, asking fifty people significantly increases the likelihood of you obtaining you what you want. The fastest known way to guarantee or at least reasonably assure you getting what you want is to ask each person repeatedly until they say yes.

Find new ways to ask.
You knew this as a three-year old asking, then demanding, then crying for, and finally wheedling your way into that ice cream from the truck. True, or not? Well, guess what?

It works great for adults, too, even better, in fact, since adults do have communication and 'asking skills' at least moderately better than those of a child. Go ahead. Find new and creative ways to ask each person on your asking list more and more and more...
until you hear that sweet word: 'YES!'

Decide what you most want. Resolve to ask at least three different people per day for help in getting it, three per day, thirty-one days in a row. You will be thrilled, perhaps even astonished. Remember, PowerGem means getter there faster, consistently faster. By consistently focusing on the fact that it's one of the greatest, fastest shortcuts in existence, you will just as consistently produce faster, better results. In point of fact, the Pathway of Shortcuts is far less about the so-called "Art of Success" as it is the identified and defined "Science of Success."

As with every PowerBomb and Shorcut, your opinion is of little interest, well, actually, of no interest at all, because it's of no benefit to any of us, least of all the most important person on the planet, until it's been used a hundred times or more. Then and only then is a person qualified to offer a licit opinion. Those who ask for more inevitably receive more. It applies to you today as much as it applied to you as an infant hollering for your food. Think about it. Ask ask ask.

Modified repetition is the foundation of every human skill.
Using shorcuts, particularly your greater shortcuts, the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires, True Winners and Top Achievers -- reliably and consistently produces phenomenal results.


SGT Goynes